Sunday, September 29, 2013

You Changed Your Face and My Future Foretold

So it's been a while since I last posted. I guess I have two stories to share that just made me smile!

So I have to wear a badge at work, and it has my picture on the badge. I started working at my job two years ago so the picture is a bit out dated and I do look different, but to an adult you would be able to tell that it's still me. I was helping one of my pre-kindergartners last week and he saw my badge. He grabbed it and looked at the picture for what seemed like a rather long time.  He looked up at me and we then had this conversation:

"Who is that in that picture?"
"That's a picture of me!"
"No it's not."
"Really, that's a picture of me!"
"Oh....well you changed your face!"

He then carried on with his work. It had been a bit of a rough day, so that made me really smile!

My second story actually happened tonight. It is my nephews birthday tomorrow, so we celebrated it tonight. When I got to my sister's house I got to have this little conversation with my cute little niece and nephew:

"Aunt Krystle, you need to get married"
"Why is that?"
"Because you're getting old!"
"Maybe in a few years I'll get married"
"Ooo, what's his name? What's he like?"
"I have no idea, you tell me! What is his name, what is he like?"
"His name is Chris, and he's a dork!"
(my nephew)" I think he's cool!!"
"Oh and you're going to meet him tonight!"

HAHAHA oh man little kids are so great! Chris if you're out there, come find me! It's destiny! :)