Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Ok, so my patience is very thin this week. I'm not sure why, but you know when your tube of toothpaste is at the very end of it's use, but you cant make it to the store for a few days so you squeeze the crap out of it to try and get what you can on your toothbrush just to last you the rest of the time? I feel like that's what I'm doing with my patience this week. 

I may have used the last of it on Tuesday. We had our last field trip on Tuesday where we went to a hotel and met up with all the other sites and had a nice lunch. Well at the end of the lunch we asked if any of the kids needed to use the bathroom and we took those that said they needed to go. Lunch finished up and we went outside to get on the bus to head back to our site. As we are waiting one of our kids wet himself. I mean completely, not just his pants, his shirt, his pants, his socks, his shoes....EVERYTHING!!! When we asked why he didn't tell us he had to go, or why he didn't go when we took everyone else, he said simply, I didn't feel it? BAH it was a smelly mess. 

I guess I can make it through the next few days by finding the funny things at work. This week we are learning about medieval times. On Friday it's a dress up day. As we were talking about this one kid raised his hand and said

Miss Krystle, can we dress up like a dwarf on friday?

I told him that we were dressing up as medieval times people and he responded

Well there are dwarfs in Lord of the Rings.....

haha looks like I'm just going to have to find the funny things through out the day to last through this week! 

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